Monday, May 10, 2010

A Terrific Mothers Day

I had a very full and fulfilling Mothers Day yesterday.  I got some nice cards and gifts, but more importantly were the non-material gifts I received.

We had the grand kids over while their mother (Jay's daughter) worked.  Usually Tyler and Kelsey are too caught up in their teenage lives to spend time with a 5 and 8 year-old, but Ben persuaded Tyler to play with them outside for quite awhile, giving Jay a needed break so he could study for his last law school final this week.  Ben adores Tyler even though Tyler barely speaks to him.  It's part of that older boy worship and I've spoken to Tyler about how his thoughtful, more sensitive nature could be a positive influence on Ben, a kid who sometimes enjoys misbehaving for the sake of attention.  It was rewarding to see all three kids outside, laughing as Tyler bounced them on the trampoline, then showing them his back flip and different tricks on the swing set. 

One of my Mothers Day requests was to visit the Butterfly Pavilion in Norwich.  Kelsey has had a fear of butterflies ever since she had a nightmare  a few years ago in which evil butterflies ate peoples' faces.  Irrational, I know.  Logical explanations on the anatomy and nature of butterflies she understood, but her fear was real.  Amazing that I have child afraid of bugs at all considering my fascination with all animals, even the creepy, crawly ones.  I'm the type of person who would rather pick up a spider (not with my bare hand) and carry it safely outside than squish it.  Kelsey is fine with snakes and rodents, but a basket case when it comes to most insects. 

So against Kelsey's wishes, we all (Jay, myself, Tyler, Kelsey, Amanda and Ben) went to experience a tent full of Monarch and Painted Lady butterflies.  I gave Kelsey my camera to give her something to do, focus on the beauty instead of reacting in fear to one landing on you.  It worked; within minutes Kelsey was trying to get a butterfly on her finger.  Visitors were given "nectar" to dip their fingers in and instructed to hold their fingers in front of butterfly to see if it would crawl on your finger and lick it.  We were not to touch the wings as removing the protective coating can harm the butterfly.  Children were everywhere, amazed at the creatures on their little hands.  Kelsey joined in the amazement, wanting to stay longer than the rest of us.  She is very proud of her photos although my favorites are the ones I took of my daughter, conquering her fears.  To see more pictures, click on the link below.

1 comment:

  1. Butterfly Effect (physics) In a chaotic system of a teenaged girl, the ability of miniscule changes in initial conditions (such as the flap of a butterfly's wings) to have far-reaching, large-scale effects on the development of the system (such as the course of weather a continent away or whether or not the teenaged girl will go to a butterfly exhibit).
